Today I was eating brunch with Noni (Kali’s grandmother) & Kali my daughter. Ohhh Kali was not in the best of moods because we woke her up from her nap to go eat. They sat us next to this cute older couple that was really sweet. Kali was screaming her butt off; she did not want to be in the high chair she wanted to be held. So the cute little lady was just looking at Kali while she was having a fit. I apologized to her and she said no no it’s ok I am just admiring your daughter because I am about to have twin grand babies very soon so I have to get ready for this to come. We said it was the best thing that ever happened to us but she has her moments that we have to work on but it is pure Bliss to have her. So before she left she came over to us to say what a beautiful baby girl you have and I’m so excited to have our twin boys but she had some concerns with the car seats to buy and how she was going to move to South Carolina to go help out. So my suggestion to her was to get an infant car seat and the next car seat to get would be a bigger one that the babies can grow into. I was blessed to have an amazing friend buy me a great car seat that my daughter can grow into for years to come. Be particular when it comes to car seats because if you go with something smaller your baby will out grow it fast and it will be horrible on trips as well. I wanted my daughter to be comfortable in hers and it was the best choice that I made she will sleep most of the car rides but also has plenty of room to stretch out. Also I would get the mirror for the back seat as well she felt so much better knowing that she can see me in the car. It has made a huge difference, I know being a new mom can be over whelming so any advice you can get from me or other mommies will help a bunch. Don’t be afraid to ask for help myself or any one you may know for advice. I over bought for my daughter so the things I’ve learned I am willing to help you with… Good luck and know that you’ve got this!
I am no way promoting or affiliated with this car seat brand this is the one I have for my daughter and wanted to share my advice on baby accessories.